I wanted to have an online presence just for selling. I had an idea to set up a separate blog with Small Works to Go and other Sale items. I called the blog UpLIFTMeNTs. http://wenredmond.blogspot.com
set-up is the same as any blog. To make it a selling blog you need to be able
to accept payments. An easy method is to first create a PayPal account. Anybody
can buy your work using PalPay itself or credit cards. It’s secure and notifies
you when you have a sale. Delicious!
you set up a PalPal account you can create PayPal buttons in merchant service
section. There are several different buttons to choose from.
First, simply create your post as usual, with your sale item; on your blog- then go to Paypal
to create your button.
PayPal will give
your html code to copy and paste into your blog post.
There are 2 tabs - compose and html- for creating your blog post. The secret
is to choose the html tab on the top left of your blog post BEFORE you
add the PayPal code. Once you select the html tab, your post will be in
paste the PayPal button code at the bottom.
Then hit the
compose tab at the top again and your post should be complete with your PayPal
It is easier to do one item per post.
Good Luck!
Wen, how kind of you to post this easy tutorial on setting up PayPal on a bog. I've had a separate blog for sales for some time, but have never activated it for lack of this knowledge. I appreciate you!
Wen, how kind of you to post this easy tutorial on setting up PayPal on a bog. I've had a separate blog for sales for some time, but have never activated it for lack of this knowledge. I appreciate you!
Thanks so much for this valuable information. My son and I were trying to figure out how to add the buttons. I'm still a little reluctant to start selling and shipping items all over the world. I wonder if it is possible to limit sales locations with paypal.
Thanks for this info, Wen. I have followed your experience with interest,perhaps for a time in my own future. Are you satisfied with the success of your blog?
Thank you Wen... I also have been procrastinating over having a blog with tabs. Was there a particular lay out that you found worked for you.. I start to get confused when I look at all the alternatives, and last time did not find anything with the tabs on it... I want to do something like that for a web site, instead of having to have someone else post photos to the web for me.
Thank you for sharing.
The action/tabs, I referred to in the blog post, occurs in the actual blog post.
I think what you're referring to in in the layout section.
That is where you decide how big the actual blog is,, how many columns etc.
Tabs are called pages- mine are on top.
And to back up yet another step- you can choose the 'look' of your blog with template selections.
Thank you for the choice information. I still have not made a decision but I am gathering data and personal experience. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Thanks for the tips Wen.Hope it's VERY successful.
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