Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 Lovely to be accepted into Fantastic Fibers 2025!

Beyond the Abby Window




Digital Fiber

Materials- recycled book pages, artist printed digital silk organza, scrim, pearl cotton, stitched text, hand stitching.

Techniques- manipulated artist imagery and inkjet printed by artist on digital ready materials.

A divided photograph, printed on old book pages, fractures the view while the same image, printed on digital silk organza, floats above creating an almost 3-D effect. A collage of white silk organza with scrim and tissue lifts creates a surround.  Machine and hand stitched.



Text- The old walls glisten with age

setting off a single arched window,

shimmering a golden radiance

from the sunlit vista beyond.

The distance rumble of ocean waves,

fill the nearly empty room,

echoing from the bay below.

Catching smells of damp salty air,

I felt transported across the ages

to when Iona Abby was first used.

There’s a certain peace within

as if the prayers of so many, so long ago,

still reverberated, bound in its walls,

captured in stone for me and

anyone else who cares to listen.


Exhibit is March 18th to May 3rd, 2025 at the Yeiser Art Center, KY

The Abby

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