Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Printing a Collage

applying a thin coat of gel medium to a painted medium weight interfacing base
laying down low relief collage elements
adding a quick gesso lines
applying white digital grounds made by inkAid. The white grounds helps merge all the collage elements.
dried and ready to print
image used
printed, sewn details and mounted to a wooden canvas
simular collage
using this image
more ideas in my book- see side bar...


Marianne said...

Génial , j'ai testé plusieurs de vos façons avec votre livre, et je suis assez contente du résultat. Pour le moment, j'ai fait des cartes et pas encore étudié le paragraphe stabilisation à la lumière.

Wen said...

Thank you Marianne- translation = “Great, I tested many of your ways with your book, and I'm pretty happy with the result. For the moment, I have made maps and not yet studied the light stabilization section.“

Darcy Berg said...

Very cool! Thanks for the tutorial!

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