Saturday, February 11, 2012

I make the art then the art makes me

Gelatin Print- (For sale on my new blog. Link on right or in Shopping tab at the top of this blog.)
 This explains my statement of 'I make the art then the art makes me.'
"I am concerned with each piece coming from a sense of urgency and discovery, rather than a repetition of something I already know and have done. I try to stay in the moment with a work and with the experience of working on it. For me, ideas emerge from making work." From Elisa D'Arrigo
 Spirit Hands  (For sale on my new blog. Link on right or in Shopping tab at the top of this blog.)


Kit Lang said...

Or are you saying "I make the art rather THAN the art makes me?"

Or are you saying "I make the art, and THEN the art makes me?"

I'm not being a grammar crazed person I swear, I'm just trying to understand your statement and Elisa's quote could go either way. :)

layers said...

remember that famous line from that Tom Cruise movie? "You complete me".
a bit corny but that is how art captures us..I understand what you are trying to say.

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