A quick tutorial to prepare a 4 image file for the Thermal Fax Silkscreen Workshop.
Prepare Images in one file
1 Convert 4 of your images to a Black and White Photos- no gray scale at all!
Use the tools to brighten or lighten the image, then use the contrast slider to help remove all gray areas. The best screens come from photos that are only black and white.
2 Each of the photos should be sized to about 4x5” or ¼ each of a letter size paper with a 1/4-1/2" border.
3 Make a new 8x11 letter size file in Photoshop, other photo programs or even word using 'insert'.
Copy and paste your images
onto it, moving into position with your move tool or format in word. Remember each photo should have a 1/4-1/2” border.
Email the file to me with Thermal Fax in the subject line- check your supply list for more directions.
OR if the above process is difficult for you...
1 Print your ink jet images in black and white, cut and glue (stick) to letter size paper
2 You can also cut out images from numerous sources- like newspapers or magazines and glue to a letter size paper.
Remember to leave a border around your pictures.
Take a photo and Email that photo file to me with Thermal Fax in the subject line.
3 Or take your image sheet to copy store, get a carbon based copy and send to me viva snail mail. Address is on your supply list and additional directions.
How to...
Image IS everything when creating for a excellent result with Thermal Fax silkscreens.
1 Start with a high contrast image or simple uncomplicated image. Convert to black and white.
If needed, using your erase tool, erase away the gray
OR use your stamp tool to convert to pure contrast Black and White image
OR use your contrast slider to develop a high contrast image
OR just cut out all but the black areas on your printed image if you are gluing.
2 Make a new 8x11 or letter size file in Photoshop or on a Word Doc. Copy or insert your images onto it. Move images into position with your move tool.
Or print and paste manually.
Continue in this manner until you have 4 images on 1 letter size sheet.