I just
finished an exciting encaustic workshop!
workshop was given by Daniella Woolf through North Country Studio Workshops at Bennington College.
What EnErGy! Our group bonded though inspirational excitement in the studio, and by Daniella's
humor, wit, and knowledge.
Most of
us started off as virgins and ended up walking on the moon!
can use any rigid porus surface to create your collage on. We discovered you
can do it on paper and fabric too.
did a group collage on rice paper. Everyone made one 5” horizontal paper collage
piece, and then we ‘encausticated’ them as a hanging scroll.
Woolf and myself assembling the

These 2 photo's are from Jane Davies- see her blog here
The finished scroll is ready to contribute to the silent auction to benefit NCSC.
This was one of those experiences that can change your work. I love collage and have worked with fiber and paper collage using traditional mediums. This adds another dimension to that. Encaustic sinks the collage, creating an air of mystery or translucent layering that I have yet been unable to achieve. I'm looking forward to exploring this new medium.
Daniella Woolf and myself assembling the scroll.