Whole cloth; painted, monoprinted, text silk-screened, oil sticks and free drawing lines with stitching. I was in a meditative place when I created this piece. When I view it, it serves as a reminder of that special moment. It allows me to remember this when in the throes of daily life. Rayon 23hx30w Traveling with SAQA 09 Fibrations until 6/10

I have been working on an upcoming workshop- I usually review and improve every time I give a workshop. It also jogs one's memory. I REALLY like this process! It's a spontaneous print technique that layers fabrics visually.
In the workshops we will experiment with several techniques to print fabrics. This method doesn't use a print press and is suitable for every level.
One of the best things about this technique is it's spontaneity, intuitiveness and ease of developing really great pieces. Right up my ally!
It will be hard to cover the sheer variety of methods, but we'll all give it a go.